Idaho York Rite Sovereign College

Tri-Valley College #178

York Rite Sovereign College of North America

Twin Falls, Idaho

Chartered 1997

Eminently Distinguished Associate Regents

(Recipients of the Order of the Purple Cross)

Frank W. Allen %1994
Stanley E. Barker 2005
Ronald G. Berto, PGG 2009
William K. Curtis, Jr., PGG * 2016
L. Merton Dawald %  (Nom) 1990
M. William Echo, PGG % 1991
Robert A. Farrow * 2019
Kent W. Gist, PGG % 1991
David A. Grindle, PGG * 2010
James C. Herndon *2012
Charles R. Huskey, PGG %1990
Clyde R. Jensen % 
Gary A. S. La Bruyere, GG *2017
Jay A. Leonard *2005
Donald S. McAnulty %1992
Harry C. Moore %1994
Jerry D. Parsons  (Nom)2020
Charles M. Rogers %  (Nom)1992
Richard L. Rowe *2022
G. Arthur Shoemaker *2013
Dale C. Stoller, PDGG %1988
Jeremy C. Vaughn *2017
David H. Volkman, PGG %1988
Bruce A. Wethered2023

* Living          % Clearwater College No. 135

Right Eminently Distinguished Brother
C. K. Gary A. S. LaBruyere
Grand Governor of Idaho

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